Thursday, October 3, 2013

See us in May 2014?

Since the seeds of Netizen Empowerment Federation were sown in January 2012, a lot has transpired. We are currently working on incorporating. However, the business side of things (incorporation, finding interns, etc) has taken a lot more time than initially anticipated. There are a lot of reasons for this and they don't all have to do with me. In fact, most of them don't have to do with me. Other incorporators have had health problems, family problems and serious housing issues. But, we're still plugging along, trying to get things going.

For my part, I've learned to expect delay. I wouldn't be shocked if 2014 turns into 2015. We've got four sites that have been going for years and we need to make sure we keep those going. Once we have a solid foundation for the future on those sites, then we can begin to expand. Please don't lose hope in us. We haven't.