Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome to the World Culture Blog

Welcome to the World Culture Blog. The World Culture Blog is a member of the Netizen Empowerment Federation, which is currently striving to become a 501(c)(3).

Like all 501(c)(3) organizations, we are trying to do our small part to change the world. We hope that by giving people a glimpse into the cities, states and countries around the world that we can promote tolerance and understanding among the varied people of the world. Our hope is that we can also bring joy to the world through interesting stories and exciting adventures.

Because of our roots in United States, there will be a heavy US-focus to the blog, though certainly not exclusively. This focus is in line with our goal of tolerance and understanding. Due to differing immigrant populations and different topography, the US is a diverse place. The Midwest speaks derogatorily of "coasties" and the those on the coast speak of "fly-over states."

It has always been this way. We fought a geographically-based civil war, after all. However, just because something has always been does not mean it is not something we should change.


For the time-being, expect monthly posts. We are actively seeking volunteer authors. You can contact if you are interested in writing an article for World Culture Blog. Once we have more authors, we may move to weekly or daily articles. Once we receive some funding through donations, we may be able to pay our authors for their work.

We will work on additional ways for you to donate in the future. For now, you can donate through flattr.